League pitching leaders -- National League
Regular season -- as of 10/9/1961

Earned Run Average Wins Strikeouts
SpahnMil 1.92 SpahnMil26-8 KoufaxLAN281
KoufaxLAN 2.97 O'TooleCin18-11 Williams,SLAN214
O'TooleCin 3.11 McCormickSF17-10 DrysdaleLAN203
PurkeyCin 3.13 KoufaxLAN16-9 O'TooleCin182
WilleyMil 3.18 SanfordSF15-9 McCormickSF175
McCormickSF 3.26 BurdetteMil15-13 MahaffeyPhi165
MarichalSF 3.46 DrysdaleLAN15-14 CardwellChN158
SimmonsStL 3.51 GibsonStL14-11 PodresLAN150
HobbieChN 3.56 Williams,SLAN14-12 JayCin148
JayCin 3.63 PurkeyCin14-13 GibsonStL144
BurdetteMil 3.66 3 tied with 13 GibbonPit137
PodresLAN 3.80     MarichalSF135
Games Innings Winning percentage
BaldschunPhi72 SpahnMil280.2 NottebartMil .786
Miller,SSF72 DrysdaleLAN264.1 SpahnMil .765
PerranoskiLAN70 BurdetteMil260.2 WilleyMil .722
McDanielStL69 PurkeyCin259.0 Miller,SSF .688
FacePit68 KoufaxLAN257.1 O'DellSF .647
Farrell,TLAN68 CardwellChN257.0 KoufaxLAN .640
LabinePit65 O'TooleCin252.0 McCormickSF .630
BrosnanCin61 McCormickSF251.0 SanfordSF .625
McMahonMil60 FriendPit238.2 O'TooleCin .621
Sherry,LLAN59 JayCin238.1 MarichalSF .611
ElstonChN57 SanfordSF233.0 PodresLAN .600
LehmanPhi57 Williams,SLAN231.1 2 tied with  .571
Starts Complete games Shutouts
CardwellChN38 SpahnMil22 SpahnMil6
DrysdaleLAN37 BurdetteMil15 BurdetteMil4
BurdetteMil36 PurkeyCin12 GibbonPit3
O'TooleCin35 O'TooleCin12 JayCin3
FriendPit35 Jackson,LStL9 PurkeyCin3
KoufaxLAN35 JayCin8 KoufaxLAN3
McCormickSF35 KoufaxLAN8 9 tied with 2
Williams,SLAN35 McCormickSF8    
JayCin34 GibsonStL7    
PurkeyCin34 FriendPit7    
SpahnMil34 DrysdaleLAN7    
SanfordSF33 7 tied with 6    
Saves Save percentage Holds
Miller,SSF20 BrosnanCin .826 PerranoskiLAN10
BrosnanCin19 Sherry,LLAN .778 Sherry,LLAN8
FacePit16 Anderson,BChN .727 O'DellSF7
Sherry,LLAN14 Miller,SSF .714 BolinSF6
McDanielStL13 SchultzChN .706 Henry,BCin6
McMahonMil13 McDanielStL .684 BrosnanCin6
SchultzChN12 McMahonMil .684 McDanielStL6
PerranoskiLAN11 Henry,BCin .667 ShantzPit5
Henry,BCin10 ElstonChN .667 Farrell,TLAN5
Farrell,TLAN10 Sullivan,FPhi .667 Anderson,CStL4
4 tied with 8 Farrell,TLAN .625 McDermott,MStL4
    PerranoskiLAN .611 BaldschunPhi4
Batting average Hits per 9 innings Runners per 9 innings
KoufaxLAN .219 KoufaxLAN 7.4 SpahnMil 9.5
WilleyMil .222 WilleyMil 7.4 PurkeyCin 9.8
PurkeyCin .224 SpahnMil 7.5 WilleyMil 10.1
SpahnMil .225 PurkeyCin 7.6 KoufaxLAN 10.4
JayCin .227 JayCin 7.6 SimmonsStL 11.2
SadeckiStL .231 SadeckiStL 8.0 O'TooleCin 11.2
GibsonStL .240 SanfordSF 8.2 JayCin 11.2
SanfordSF .240 GibsonStL 8.2 PodresLAN 11.3
MarichalSF .246 O'TooleCin 8.5 McCormickSF 11.4
SimmonsStL .246 DrysdaleLAN 8.6 HobbieChN 11.4
O'TooleCin .247 Jackson,LStL 8.7 MarichalSF 11.5
DrysdaleLAN .249 SimmonsStL 8.7 BurdetteMil 11.7
Walks Walks per 9 innings Strikeouts per 9 innings
GibsonStL110 PodresLAN 1.6 KoufaxLAN 9.8
Williams,SLAN105 FriendPit 1.6 Williams,SLAN 8.3
SadeckiStL97 BurdetteMil 1.6 MahaffeyPhi 7.4
BuhlMil96 CurtisChN 1.8 PodresLAN 6.9
CardwellChN95 PurkeyCin 1.9 DrysdaleLAN 6.9
BroglioStL94 SpahnMil 2.0 GibbonPit 6.8
JayCin89 EllsworthChN 2.2 GibsonStL 6.7
SanfordSF87 SimmonsStL 2.3 MarichalSF 6.6
KoufaxLAN85 HaddixPit 2.3 O'TooleCin 6.5
MahaffeyPhi79 McCormickSF 2.4 McCormickSF 6.3
3 tied with 76 HobbieChN 2.4 SadeckiStL 5.8
    MarichalSF 2.6 Sullivan,FPhi 5.8
WHIP Homeruns Average run support
SpahnMil 1.05 DrysdaleLAN38 WilleyMil 5.7
PurkeyCin 1.05 MahaffeyPhi31 SpahnMil 5.6
WilleyMil 1.12 HobbieChN30 Williams,SLAN 5.5
KoufaxLAN 1.15 JayCin30 MarichalSF 5.5
JayCin 1.22 KoufaxLAN30 CurtisChN 5.5
SimmonsStL 1.22 CardwellChN30 DrysdaleLAN 5.4
PodresLAN 1.24 McCormickSF27 PodresLAN 5.4
DrysdaleLAN 1.24 BurdetteMil27 BroglioStL 5.1
O'TooleCin 1.25 SanfordSF26 HobbieChN 5.0
McCormickSF 1.25 PurkeyCin25 SadeckiStL 4.9
HobbieChN 1.25 SadeckiStL24 SanfordSF 4.8
BurdetteMil 1.26 3 tied with 22 BurdetteMil 4.8
Batters faced Batters faced per game Decisions
CardwellChN1127 SpahnMil32.74 SpahnMil34
DrysdaleLAN1122 PurkeyCin31.09 O'TooleCin29
SpahnMil1113 BurdetteMil30.64 DrysdaleLAN29
BurdetteMil1103 DrysdaleLAN30.32 BurdetteMil28
KoufaxLAN1067 O'TooleCin30.11 CardwellChN28
PurkeyCin1057 SimmonsStL29.81 PurkeyCin27
O'TooleCin1054 CardwellChN29.66 McCormickSF27
McCormickSF1046 KoufaxLAN29.64 JayCin26
Williams,SLAN1046 JayCin29.32 Williams,SLAN26
FriendPit1035 McCormickSF29.06 GibsonStL25
JayCin997 SadeckiStL29.00 KoufaxLAN25
SanfordSF991 Jackson,LStL28.94 6 tied with 24
Losses Games finished Runs
CardwellChN11-17 FacePit49 DrysdaleLAN146
Sullivan,FPhi5-16 Miller,SSF48 CardwellChN141
JayCin10-16 Farrell,TLAN40 Williams,SLAN133
BuzhardtPhi9-15 BrosnanCin38 FriendPit131
MahaffeyPhi4-14 McDanielStL38 MahaffeyPhi130
DrysdaleLAN15-14 McMahonMil35 SanfordSF122
GibbonPit9-13 PerranoskiLAN34 SadeckiStL120
FriendPit11-13 ElstonChN32 BurdetteMil118
SimmonsStL11-13 SchultzChN31 BroglioStL113
PurkeyCin14-13 Sherry,LLAN31 EllsworthChN112
BurdetteMil15-13 BaldschunPhi30 JayCin112
4 tied with 12 LabinePit29 BuzhardtPhi111
Earned runs Hits Doubles
DrysdaleLAN124 FriendPit298 MahaffeyPhi53
CardwellChN121 BurdetteMil283 DrysdaleLAN53
MahaffeyPhi119 DrysdaleLAN253 Williams,SLAN50
FriendPit108 CardwellChN253 FriendPit46
BurdetteMil106 McCormickSF247 O'TooleCin43
BroglioStL104 Williams,SLAN240 SadeckiStL41
SanfordSF104 O'TooleCin238 McCormickSF41
Williams,SLAN98 SpahnMil233 BurdetteMil41
BuzhardtPhi96 EllsworthChN232 PodresLAN40
JayCin96 PurkeyCin219 SimmonsStL40
EllsworthChN94 MahaffeyPhi214 CurtisChN39
Jackson,LStL92 SanfordSF213 4 tied with 38
Triples Stolen bases Steal percentage
SanfordSF18 JayCin17 O'TooleCin .519
FerraresePhi12 Jackson,LStL16 BroglioStL .625
EllsworthChN12 Sullivan,FPhi15 Williams,SLAN .688
OwensPhi11 GibsonStL14 Jackson,LStL .696
MahaffeyPhi11 SadeckiStL14 Hunt,KCin .700
HaddixPit10 ShortPhi14 SadeckiStL .737
PurkeyCin10 Hunt,KCin14 ShortPhi .737
MarichalSF9 O'TooleCin14 SchultzChN .813
SadeckiStL8 Brewer,JChN13 GibsonStL .824
BurdetteMil8 PurkeyCin13 Sullivan,FPhi .833
4 tied with 7 SchultzChN13 JayCin .850
    3 tied with 11    
Hit by pitch Wild pitches Balks
DrysdaleLAN16 BaldschunPhi16 KoufaxLAN4
Williams,SLAN11 ShortPhi16 Jones,ShCin3
BurdetteMil10 McDanielStL13 BolinSF3
CardwellChN10 Jones,SaSF11 McDermott,MStL2
Jones,SaSF9 MahaffeyPhi11 LeMaySF2
GibbonPit8 Williams,SLAN11 DrottChN2
MahaffeyPhi8 Farrell,TLAN10 MizellPit2
PurkeyCin8 FacePit10 O'TooleCin2
BuzhardtPhi7 5 tied with 9 8 tied with 1
4 tied with 6        
Runners left scored percentage Inherited runners scored pct Ground ball DP
HobbieChN .111 GoldenLAN .167 EllsworthChN37
SpahnMil .143 DrottChN .208 SpahnMil37
MarichalSF .150 LeMaySF .208 FriendPit35
O'TooleCin .167 ShantzPit .250 BurdetteMil30
PurkeyCin .167 Henry,BCin .296 DrysdaleLAN28
PodresLAN .176 LehmanPhi .316 BuzhardtPhi26
CurtisChN .188 McDanielStL .338 HobbieChN24
KoufaxLAN .211 BaldschunPhi .343 Jackson,LStL24
Sullivan,FPhi .222 BrosnanCin .344 HaddixPit23
WilleyMil .300 FacePit .345 GibsonStL23
3 tied with  .333 FerraresePhi .345 McCormickSF23
    Farrell,TLAN .357 Williams,SLAN22
Plate appearances vs RHB Atbats vs RHB On-base plus slugging vs RHB
O'TooleCin857 SpahnMil796 SpahnMil .565
KoufaxLAN851 O'TooleCin790 DrysdaleLAN .587
SpahnMil850 KoufaxLAN780 KoufaxLAN .615
McCormickSF826 McCormickSF771 Jones,SaSF .618
SimmonsStL712 SimmonsStL657 SanfordSF .620
SadeckiStL693 EllsworthChN634 PurkeyCin .627
EllsworthChN689 SadeckiStL616 NottebartMil .630
PodresLAN655 PodresLAN614 DrottChN .633
DrysdaleLAN654 DrysdaleLAN589 HendleyMil .636
GibbonPit643 GibbonPit578 JayCin .636
Williams,SLAN643 Williams,SLAN568 Williams,SLAN .643
CardwellChN603 CardwellChN557 GibsonStL .645
Batting average vs RHB On-base percentage vs RHB Slugging percentage vs RHB
DrottChN .183 PurkeyCin .250 Jones,SaSF .307
DrysdaleLAN .197 SpahnMil .257 SpahnMil .308
KoufaxLAN .209 KoufaxLAN .263 DrysdaleLAN .323
PurkeyCin .211 DrysdaleLAN .264 GibsonStL .327
SpahnMil .217 JayCin .268 SanfordSF .328
JayCin .220 MahaffeyPhi .278 NottebartMil .336
GibsonStL .223 McCormickSF .287 DrottChN .336
SanfordSF .225 WilleyMil .292 Williams,SLAN .342
Williams,SLAN .227 SanfordSF .292 HendleyMil .342
NottebartMil .229 NottebartMil .294 KoufaxLAN .353
Hunt,KCin .230 SimmonsStL .294 JayCin .369
WilleyMil .231 HendleyMil .294 BuhlMil .370
Doubles vs RHB Triples vs RHB Homeruns vs RHB
O'TooleCin39 FerraresePhi9 KoufaxLAN27
SadeckiStL37 HaddixPit9 HobbieChN25
CurtisChN36 EllsworthChN9 PurkeyCin22
HaddixPit33 PerranoskiLAN7 GibbonPit21
McCormickSF33 MarichalSF7 McCormickSF21
SimmonsStL31 SadeckiStL7 CardwellChN20
SpahnMil30 CurtisChN6 MizellPit19
CraigLAN27 6 tied with 5 EllsworthChN19
Williams,SLAN27     BurdetteMil18
GibbonPit27     SadeckiStL18
PodresLAN27     MahaffeyPhi17
3 tied with 25     3 tied with 16
Hits vs RHB Extra base hits vs RHB Total bases vs RHB
O'TooleCin211 SadeckiStL62 O'TooleCin304
McCormickSF190 McCormickSF58 McCormickSF294
EllsworthChN181 O'TooleCin58 EllsworthChN281
SpahnMil173 CurtisChN57 KoufaxLAN275
CurtisChN171 KoufaxLAN55 GibbonPit271
GibbonPit171 HaddixPit54 CurtisChN264
PodresLAN168 GibbonPit53 SimmonsStL254
SimmonsStL165 EllsworthChN53 SadeckiStL251
KoufaxLAN163 SimmonsStL52 PodresLAN247
FriendPit158 PodresLAN45 SpahnMil245
HaddixPit152 SpahnMil44 HaddixPit239
SadeckiStL146 2 tied with 43 HobbieChN232
Walks vs RHB Hit by pitch vs RHB Strikeouts vs RHB
SadeckiStL70 BurdetteMil8 KoufaxLAN223
KoufaxLAN59 DrysdaleLAN8 Williams,SLAN154
Williams,SLAN56 Williams,SLAN7 O'TooleCin144
O'TooleCin55 DuffaloSF6 DrysdaleLAN134
GibbonPit51 PerranoskiLAN6 MahaffeyPhi123
GibsonStL49 LoesSF6 McCormickSF123
FerraresePhi49 CardwellChN6 JayCin115
DrysdaleLAN48 PurkeyCin5 PodresLAN112
McCormickSF44 6 tied with 4 CardwellChN110
SpahnMil44     GibbonPit106
SanfordSF43     GibsonStL96
SimmonsStL43     SadeckiStL92
Strikeout/walk ratio vs RHB Sacrifice bunts vs RHB Sacrifice flies vs RHB
RobertsPhi 5.7 PurkeyCin9 EllsworthChN9
MarichalSF 5.6 FerraresePhi8 PodresLAN8
FriendPit 5.4 Farrell,TLAN7 SimmonsStL8
MahaffeyPhi 5.1 BuzhardtPhi7 Jackson,LStL6
Jones,SaSF 4.7 HobbieChN7 SanfordSF6
PodresLAN 4.1 EllsworthChN7 PurkeyCin6
KoufaxLAN 3.8 McCormickSF7 Williams,SLAN6
JayCin 3.6 SpahnMil7 DrysdaleLAN6
Anderson,BChN 3.5 O'TooleCin7 KoufaxLAN6
CardwellChN 3.4 6 tied with 6 5 tied with 5
O'DellSF 2.9        
McCormickSF 2.8